We’d love to hear from you if you have any views about the celebritieswikibio.com website or if you have any thoughts on celebrities you would like us to cover. We have big plans for the site with many improvements in the pipeline including a blog covering all the latest celebrity news and lifestyle tips.

Spot a mistake?

Whenever we feature a celebrity, sports star, influencer, musician or personality, we endeavour to ensure that the content featured on the site is accurate at the time of publishing. Unfortunately, even with our diligence, mistakes in the biographies can appear. If you’ve spotted anything on our site that you believe to be factually incorrect or outdated, please get in touch and we’ll update accordingly.

Submit a guest post

If you’re a budding author and feel you have something to contribute to celebritieswikibio.com, please get in touch. We’re currently looking for guest posts for our lifestyle blog and we’ll happily publish unique, well-written articles especially if they’re celebrity-focused. 

Here are a few topics to get you started.

  • Lifestyle
  • Celebrity news and gossip
  • Fashion and beauty
  • TV and movie news
  • Fitness and health

To submit a guest post, please get in touch using the contact form so we can discuss your ideas.


    Want your biography to get listed at Celebrities wiki-bio? Email Us At – contact@celebritieswikibio.com (With Subject “Query”)

    Want your information to get deleted? Email Us At – contact@celebritieswikibio.com (With Subject “Delete”)